Evaluating Diet Trends: Tools for Promoting Effective Nutrition


Student will gain the ability to critically evaluate any nutrition trend. Students will learn how to identify credible sources of information and gain the ability to assess the soundness of evidence and make corresponding practical recommendations.


What you can learn.

  • Learn how to reference science-based nutrition recommendations to evaluate any nutrition trend
  • Learn how to safely experiment as a nutrition scientist
  • Distinguish traits of a vegan/vegetarian dietary protocol and explain its health benefits and challenges
  • Assess dietary supplement claims and distinguish safe from unsafe supplements
  • Incorporate healthy nutrition guidelines to support personal or client goals
  • Understand the role of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in health and performance

About this course:

More than many other fields, the health and fitness industry is filled with misinformation. In this course, students gain the ability to critically evaluate ANY nutrition trend. Students first learn how to identify credible sources of information. From there, students gain the ability to assess the soundness of evidence and make corresponding practical recommendations. The course reviews the health benefits and challenges of some of the most popular current dietary protocols: vegan/vegetarian, paleo, ketogenic, “If It Fits Your Macros” (IIFYM), circadian rhythm, and meal frequency. Don’t miss this chance to develop new professional relationships, receive feedback from an expert instructor, and demonstrate your knowledge. Dietitians, fitness instructors, athletic trainers, strength specialists, coaches, sports enthusiasts, and people simply looking to improve can benefit from the unique opportunity to interact and share knowledge.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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