Fitness Testing


Students get a practical understanding of fitness testing and screening in this course along with explaining results to clients.


What you can learn.

  • Perform a basic health screening to help determine the appropriate starting point and program progression for clients
  • Gain an understanding of an individual's liability and duty of care to the clients they train
  • Learn the gold standard for fitness testing measures and critically analyze other methods used in the industry
  • Create intake forms and systems to help others in their personal training vocational pursuits

About this course:

This course introduces a comprehensive review of fitness testing and screening clients through the development of intake forms and questionnaires used to identify a client’s goals and needs. Each health-related component of fitness will be discussed from the perspectives of validity and reliability, and comparing ACSM standards and procedures to other methods of testing that are available in the modern fitness industry. Additional topics essential to today’s personal trainer role will be covered, including skill-related components of fitness, wearable technology, and the interpretation and explanation of data to clients. The class also focuses on the value added to a personal trainer’s business, the comparison of ACSM to other methods of testing, and the future of testing with regards to technology and other elements of fitness unrelated to the traditional health related components, but which are very relevant in today’s industry.
PHYSCI X 452 Applied Anatomy and Biomechanics and PHYSCI X 450 Exercise Physiology.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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