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Health Care & Counseling

Acquire the knowledge to become an effective substance use disorder counselor. Learn the skills to help clients identify and change addiction-related beliefs and behaviors. Format: Remote (Required Courses). Internship is in person.
Train to become a behavior health paraprofessional uniquely attuned to the needs of LGBTQ+ clients in Los Angeles. This innovative 12-month certificate program, offered tuition-free through a grant from the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), was created to address the expectations and requirements of a multicultural client base. Please note, there is a 260 in person hour internship requirement. Format: Online and Live Online
Prepare for a client-facing wellness career at a fitness club, corporate program, health center, recreational facility or hospital.
Enhance your health care training with infection prevention and control coursework offered through our online certificate program. Gain the skills to transition into this dynamic field. Format: Online
Launch a rewarding career as a patient advocate. With this online certificate program, you'll learn how to handle the logistics of the health care system so patients and families can focus on what’s most important: health and well-being.
Complete rigorous math and science courses to prepare to apply for accelerated undergraduate nursing programs or entry-level M.S. studies. 
Our rigorous post-baccalaureate certificate program for pre-health students provides a structured academic preparation for those planning to apply to health professional programs. Federal financial aid available. Earned credits are transferable to UC and Cal State campuses, plus many universities nationwide (some limitations may apply).  
The UCLA Medical Assistant Program (MAP), offered through a partnership between UCLA Health and UCLA Extension, combines the theory and practical experience necessary to prepare students to transition successfully into a career as a medical assistant.
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