Communication Strategies in Health Care: Navigating High-Stakes Conversations

HLT POL X 407.9

This course provides evidence-based strategies to optimize communication for professionals working in health care. The focus is on helping improve individual communication strategies to support a patient-centered and value-oriented health care system.


What you can learn.

  • Outline how quality communication affects healthcare.
  • Implement informed consent documents.
  • Provide an overview of motivational interviewing.
  • Identify and describe skills that demonstrate cultural humility in communication.
  • Practice setting professional boundaries and limits to behaviors that interfere with effective communication.
  • Discuss the grievance resolution process including patient rights, complaint capture and general policies and procedures.

About this course:

High-quality communication between health care providers, patients, and families has been shown to have a positive influence on patient health outcomes, including emotional health, function, physiologic measures, and symptom resolution. Conversely, failures in communication lead to increased patient harm, length of hospital stays, resource utilization, caregiver dissatisfaction, as well as staff turnover. Given the critical role communication plays, this course provides evidence-based strategies to optimize communication for professionals working in health care. Topics include principles of human communication, confidentiality, HIPAA, motivational interviewing, the influence of culture and diversity on communication, family dynamics and communication, communication with teams, conflict and crisis management, professional boundaries, skills for high-intensity communications, and grievance management. The focus is on helping improve individual communication strategies to support a patient-centered and value-oriented health care system.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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