The Practice of Patient Advocacy

HLT POL X 407.2

This course outlines the foundational knowledge and skills needed for the emerging profession of patient advocacy along with the professional scope of practice, role delineation, and job functions.


What you can learn.

  • Prepare to work with clients across the lifespan, from pediatric to geriatric populations
  • Communicate effectively with patients from a wide variety of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds while assessing their cultural competency
  • Articulate themes in healthcare advocacy and its impact on the delivery of medical care
  • Describe skills and tasks of a patient advocate and standards of professionalism

About this course:

This course provides essential foundational information and outlines the knowledge and skills needed for the emerging profession of patient advocacy. Instruction covers the professional scope of practice, role delineation and job functions. Students also learn how to work with clients across the lifespan, from pediatric to geriatric populations, and assess their cultural competency to communicate effectively with patients from a wide variety of cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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