Get insight into the history of comics and graphic novels and how they interact with the larger media landscape
Learn visual theory and critical thinking necessary for sequential storytelling
Take a version of your story from pitch to outline to completed script and visual work
Leave class with an 8-10 page comic story
About this course:
From big-budget superheroes to critically acclaimed dramas, many of pop culture’s most entertaining stories originated from comic books and graphic novels. Through their unique marriage of words and pictures, comics can be a magical yet accessible form of expression. This workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to the craft of writing and creating comics. Instruction begins by focusing on visual theory and critical thinking about sequential storytelling. Students study the form and its influences, then experience a classroom version of the editorial process by taking a story of their own from pitch to outline to completed script to visual work, regardless of drawing abilities (stick figures work well!). All story genres are welcome. The goal of the workshop is for each student to complete and visually execute an 8-10-page comic story. Includes special guest speakers based on availability.
Summer 2025 Schedule
Date & Time
Saturday 10:00AM - 1:00PM PT
Future Offering (Opens April 28, 2025 12:00:00 AM)
Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Internet access required.
This course is held via video teleconference. Instructors use Zoom to offer live class meetings at the designated class meeting time. Students must be present at the course meeting time as each student’s final grade may include scores for participation. Please inform your instructor if you will miss a class meeting. You are responsible for any class information you missed. We suggest you arrange with a fellow classmate to share their notes when feasible.
Refund Deadline
Refunds only available from April 28, 2025 to July 06, 2025
Course Requirements
Internet access required to retreive course materials.
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