Character Driven Scenes

SCRIPT X 415.11

Enhance the scenes in your scripts by focusing on character motivation and how the scene advances the character arc.

Starting at $485.00
As few as 6 weeks

What you can learn.

  • Learn how scenic structure mimics the three-act structure of storytelling
  • Review and discuss scenes from movies and TV
  • Identify how scenes reveal character information and motivation while advancing your story
  • Apply your learning to 2-3 scene drafts from new or ongoing projects

About this course:

David Mamet said, “If you’re bored by a scene, so is your audience.” Every scene in a script serves a purpose. When they are character-driven, they keep us emotionally invested and engaged with the story. Individual scenes have a lot of moving pieces, from how they are structured to what they reveal about the external and internal conflicts of the characters. In this course, we look at the essence of scenes from where they start and end to their three act structure. We examine scenes in movies and TV shows to identify their purpose, what the arc of a scene reveals about character and how it advances the story. Students learn the essential components of a scene and the questions that each scene needs to ask and answer in order to tell compelling stories. By the end of the course, you have 2-3 rewritten or original scenes for your current project and a map to link those scenes into a sequence.

Spring 2025 Schedule

Date & Time
This section has no set meeting times.
See Details
Instructor: Roz Weisberg
Onlineformat icon

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Internet access required.

This online course is conducted through Canvas, a secure website that allows students to log in to access lectures, discussions, and other course materials on demand. There are no required class meetings. Each course is structured with weekly assignments and deadlines. Lectures and coursework are accessible throughout the week. Workshops are conducted in writing via discussion boards with your instructor and classmates.

Refund Deadline
Refunds only available from February 03, 2025 to May 04, 2025
Course Requirements
Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

Contact Us

Speak to a student advisor. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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