Residential Property Management

MGMT X 477.83

This course teaches the skills necessary to manage rental houses and apartment buildings in a manner that maintains and ultimately enhances the value of income-producing houses and multifamily properties.


What you can learn.

  • Understand the legal and business elements that underlie effective residential property management
  • Comprehend the intricacies of California landlord/tenant law
  • Recognize key issues that arise in the areas of marketing, leasing, budgeting, and vendor management for residential property management

About this course:

Participants in this course learn the skills to manage rental houses and apartment buildings on behalf of property ownership. Whether changing careers or currently active in the real estate industry, this course provides the specialized skills to operate and maintain—and ultimately enhance the value of—income-producing, houses/multifamily properties. Core competencies included are forms of real estate ownership and management agreements, California landlord/tenant law, marketing plans and leasing, tenant relations, budgeting and financial reporting, hiring and supervising personnel and third party resources, building systems and maintenance, and building code and local law compliance.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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