Young Adult Novel I
Learn about writing for young adults as you complete an outline and first chapter of a novel.
What you can learn.
- Explore the elements of young adult fiction, including character, dialogue, and description
- Determine a setting, plot, and voice for your own young adult novel
- Workshop works-in-progress in a supportive, creative environment
- Learn about the publishing marketplace for young adult fiction
About this course:
The young adult novel is one of the fastest-growing and exciting genres in publishing today. With complex young characters, realistic dialogue and gripping prose, readers young and old can't get enough of these novels. In a supportive and inspiring environment, you explore the elements of a YA novel's plot, character, language, setting and voice—all enhanced by in-depth lectures, discussions, manuscript workshopping and generative writing exercises. Also covered is the current marketplace for young adult fiction and how to query agents. You leave the class with a completed first chapter and a rough outline of your entire book, as well as the tools to continue writing on your own.Corporate Education
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