Maggie Morris

Maggie Morris

Instructor Bio:

Ms. Morris is a writer and award-winning creative director with writing featured in Departures, Fathom, Forbes and other publications. She travels for the escape, the discovery and the food. Some travel highlights include slipping on glaciers in Iceland, swimming with whale sharks in Mozambique, and inhaling cloud vapor in Yakushima’s ancient cedar forest. Climate change and globalization inform her current travel wishlist. She aims to visit destinations that are disappearing and to document traditional handicrafts and their remaining makers in these locations. Ms. Morris won the 2021 Allegra Johnson Award for her in-progress memoir which recalls her time in Kathmandu in the mid-90s.

Instructor Statement:

What makes travel writing compelling, I believe, has less to do with the destination than the writer, their voice, and their ability to bring readers along while wandering in unfamiliar (and even familiar) places. I aim to guide students in bringing their voyages to life through their voice, their words and delivering readers to places near and far, familiar and unknown.

Instructor Schedule
Winter 2025

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