Copyright Law in the Entertainment Industry

MGMT X 448.84

A general overview of intellectual property rights with a focus on copyright law and its role in the film, music, and digital online industries, including such related areas as celebrity endorsements and branding.


What you can learn.

  • Discover the nuances of intellectual property and copyright law as they apply to a number of disparate spheres in entertainment
  • Learn about new areas of copyright law including fair use and copyright mechanics
  • Examine how copyright law interacts with other business and legal principles
  • Learn the history of the evolution of copyright law through specific court cases and events

About this course:

What is intellectual property and how does it apply to the entertainment industry? As the ownership of intellectual property continues to be the lifeblood of the industry and the source of income for many, this course answers these questions while providing a general overview of intellectual property rights with a focus on copyright law and its role in the film, music, and digital online industries, including such related areas as celebrity endorsements and branding. Specific topics covered include authorship and copyright ownership; fair use; how copyrights are licensed and controlled in the entertainment industry; copyright "mechanics," such as registration and notice; copyright legislation and Congress; and duration of copyright. Also examined is the role of copyright in the entertainment industry and its interaction with other business and legal principles, key court cases and international copyright protection.

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Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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