ron Darian

Ron Darian

Instructor Biography:

Author and writer/producer whose fiction has appeared in or is forthcoming in Fiction InternationalInkwellGrey Sparrow PressBitter OleanderThe Dos Passos Review and The MacGuffin, among many others. Mr. Darian is also a WGA member whose television credits include Frasier, Mad About You and 7th Heaven. He was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Instructor Statement:

"It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way." —Ernest Hemingway

It’s no great secret that creative writing is like most creative enterprises: the greatest leaps forward are made by those who take chances. I believe an instructor’s task, then, should be to encourage such risk-taking. To that end, I’m a big fan of positive feedback; writers who expose their work to classroom critique deserve to know about every little thing they did right. Not every writing class I have ever taken has appreciated this point—but I’m happy to say that enough of them did!

Instructor Schedule
Winter 2025
Spring 2025

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