Interior Design Law II: Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets, Unfair Competition, Employment and Special Topics

ARCH X 497.11

This course introduces fundamental legal principles regarding employment law, intellectual property law, unfair competition law, and other specific legal topics as they apply to the interior design business.


What you can learn.

  • Analyze actual court cases involving interior designers
  • Understand specific legal topics as they apply to the interior design business
  • Explore and assess fundamental legal principles

About this course:

This course serves as an introduction to some of the legal issues that impact interior designers. The course introduces students to fundamental legal principles regarding employment law, intellectual property law, unfair competition law, insurance law and other specific legal topics as they apply to the interior design business. The course incorporates analysis of contracts and readings of actual court cases involving interior designers. The course is appropriate for students with all levels of interior design education and experience, from certificate or master's program students and students not enrolled in a program to practicing interior designers with years of work experience. Prior completion of Interior Design Law I: The Designer-Client Relationship is recommended but not required. No other prior preparation or coursework is required.

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