Learn how to create a public face and promotional platform for your creative content using relevant video platforms, social media, and available website creation tools. The goal is to create an individual presentation plan.
Learn how to present and promote your body of work
Understand how to identify different audiences
Gain basic video and audio production skills
Create your individual brand messages
Explore audience building tools such as fan pages, tweet marketing, and cross-commenting strategies
About this course:
In the Internet age, uploading your work to YouTube or Vimeo is imperative, and successful producers/directors/actors can now demonstrate a growing online audience. This course shows you how to create a public face and promotional platform for your creative content. Using relevant video platforms, social media, and available website creation tools, learn to present and promote your body of work. Instruction emphasizes group discussion and interaction, as you are encouraged to use each other's sites and platforms in various assignments. Topics include identifying different audiences; basic video and audio production; mastering available video and audio; review of social media branding sites; creating an individual brand and brand messages; understanding design as it relates to presentation; audience building tools such as fan pages, tweet marketing, cross-commenting strategies and "response-to" uploading; responding to audience; and professional interaction. The course goal is to create an individual presentation plan across chosen platforms that is critiqued by your peers.
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