Regenerating Essential Goods and Services in America's Urban Landscapes

BIOLGY X 465.5

Discover how to find, harvest and use the resources available in our urban environments.


What you can learn.

  • Discover renewable energies that can be captured and/or generated in urban areas
  • Understand the three types of urban food systems
  • Create and maintain a landscape that provides thermal comfort
  • Asses public health strategies that reduce harmful particulates, oxides, allergens and night light.
  • Discover self-care items, such as bouquets, medicines and fragrances, that any landscape can grow
  • Understand harvestable waters in urban areas

About this course:

The surest way to slow or stop climate change and specie loss is to set aside half the planet for native and natural endeavors. Half of Earth is left to run wild. The other half is dedicated to human needs. The only way this idea will work is if urban areas start shouldering the needs of their consumptive members. We need to stop our needs from overrunning distant landscapes and start creating deeper and richer connections to our own. Students of this class will learn about regenerating goods and services. More specifically, we will be exploring the capturing, growing, and harvesting of craft and ceremonial items, building materials, local energies, food, landscapes materials, public health, self-care, thermal comfort, and making the most of greywater and stormwater. This class is hands-on and will require no less than 5 hours a week. You will be expected to do assessments, simple designs, and physically interact with urban landscapes.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

This course applies towards the following certificates & specializations…

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