Landscape Design 4: Environmental Analysis and Planning

ARCH X 472.9

Utiltizing methods of environmental research and analysis, students invstigate the natural, historical, and cultural factors impacting land-use.


What you can learn.

  • Understand how to prepare an environmental analysis of a potential project site
  • Work within a team environment
  • Apply knowledge of natural processes, codes and connectivity to land use and adjacencies
  • Understand and apply suitability analysis and all historical, social, environmental, physical, (i.e., below grade, at grade, above grade) planning criteria and how to map and quantify these elements of the environment
  • Collect and understand past community input and public engagement
  • Present and defend project design solutions with facts, figures and analytical data

About this course:

This course studies the methods and attitudes of environmental research and analysis utilized by landscape architects. Students investigate the natural, historical, and cultural factors that impact land-use suitability, design programming, and design development. Instruction emphasizes the application of these methods to both the natural and built environments.
ARCH X 471.2 Landscape Design 3: Advanced Site Design; ARCH X 472.12A Grading and Drainage.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

This course applies towards the following certificates & specializations…

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