Landscape Construction Drawing I

ARCH X 472.14B

Learn construction principles and practice from site design to schematic design, design development to final construction, plus documentation drawings and how to create a technical specifications bid package.


What you can learn.

  • Examine the relationship between construction documents and landscape design
  • Learn the process and development of a schematic design, design development plans, and construction documents
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose and organization of construction documents
  • Combine a survey with a schematic design and construct a base plan

About this course:

This construction drawing course imparts a working knowledge of procedures and techniques. Students learn the process of assembling a complete and comprehensive set of construction drawings in which title and base sheets, dimensioned layout sheets, and demolition plans are prepared. Grading, drainage, and other drawings prepared in other courses are incorporated into the overall document package.
ARCH X 493.6 AutoCAD 2, ARCH X 472.12A Grading and Drainage, ARCH X 472.5 Landscape Design 5: Planting Design, ARCH X 472.12B Irrigation Practices and Water Conservation, and ARCH X 472.19 Landscape Design 6: Concept Design.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

This course applies towards the following certificates & specializations…

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