Human Factors in Landscape Architecture

ARCH X 472.23

Learn the basic principles guiding the successful design of space. Human factors, engineering, natural processes, human capabilities, and limitations are woven into the design of environments.


What you can learn.

  • Understand human motivation and behavior patterns
  • Evaluate the aesthetic, social, and ecological successes of existing landscapes to inform future design decisions
  • Observe social factors as an element affecting design and as essential to effective design
  • Utilize community facilitation as part of the design process, the design program, and final design concept
  • Develop the ability to embody an idea within the landscape that is sensitive to culture, demography, and geography

About this course:

This course presents an introduction to current concepts and research on how people interact with their environments and how design shapes human behavior and perception. Topics include the cultural and social determinants of territoriality; personal space and life style as design generators; designing for community, privacy, and safety; perception and recognition of urban form; designing streets and plazas for pedestrian use; the sensory environment; and learning from and programming for clients.
ARCH X 472.19 Design 6: Concept Development.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

This course applies towards the following certificates & specializations…

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