Design Graphics 2: Communication for Site Analysis, Conceptual and Site Design

ARCH X 472.4E

Build upon drafting, lettering, and drawing techniques learned in Design Graphics 1, advanced applications of color and presentation are applied to final projects.


What you can learn.

  • Determine and employ an appropriate reprographic process
  • Demonstrate proper use of accepted standard graphic symbols and vocabulary
  • Employ and demonstrate knowledge of the design process and the graphic skillset used in this process
  • Employ good time management skills
  • Prepare and present scaled 2D drawings, site inventory and analysis (with topography), conceptual/schematic design, site design, section/elevation/section-elevation, mapping, and inventory
  • Demonstrate the ability to select a section line from a 2D plan that demonstrates a focal point of the site design and produce a 3D sketch/vignette

About this course:

Students build upon drafting, lettering, and drawing techniques learned in Design Graphics 1. As the second class in the series, it also concentrates on the graphic conventions for site analysis, conceptual design, design process and measured plan, perspective, and section elevations as they relate to the field of landscape architecture and professional standards. All work product is developed from the Tongva Park site used in Design Graphics 1, located in Santa Monica. At the end of this course, students make an oral presentation to the instructor and visiting guests. The students present a package of work product that includes hand drafting and colored rendering of a conceptual site plan; section/elevations and perspective vignettes; and graphic package of progress drawings, including site analysis graphics, design concept studies, and a final design concept with supporting design elements.
ARCH X 472 Introduction to the Landscape Design Professions and ARCH X 472.4D Design Graphics 1: Drafting and Drawing of the Built Environment

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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