The Study of Trees

BIOLGY X 492.67

Trees provide shade, food, habitat, and clean our air. Selecting and caring for trees is the study of arboriculture.


What you can learn.

  • The theoretical and practical concepts of tree selection
  • The establishment, management and preservation of trees in a landscape environment
  • Professional standards for planting, pruning, and training of trees

About this course:

With trees being the largest and often longest-living elements of our outdoor environment, proper tree selection and management are important to maximize the environmental, social, and economic benefits they offer. This class features a combination of lectures, discussions, research, and field trips designed for those who desire a basic understanding of tree care--both ornamental and fruit-bearing. Students learn theoretical and practical concepts of tree selection; establishment, management, and preservation of trees in a landscape environment; and professional standards in the proper selection, planting, pruning, and training of trees. 

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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