Application of Evidence-Based Strategies in Teaching and Learning


This workshop presents research-based methods of teaching for long-lasting learning. Designed for those who teach adult continuing education, college or high school in any format, or professionals who would like to learn to teach their discipline in continuing education.


What you can learn.

  • Identify and correct your own misconceptions about how people learn
  • Design and refine a plan to implement a change based on one or more evidence-based learning strategie discussed in the course
  • Use the content from this course as a model to guide your students in their study strategies
  • Discover effective strategies for fostering long-term learning in the classroom

About this course:

Do you want your students to remember and apply what they learned long after your course is over? This workshop presents research-based methods of teaching for long-lasting learning. Designed for those who teach adult continuing education, college or high school in any format, or professionals who would like to learn to teach their discipline in continuing education. Using a cognitive psychology perspective, you will learn to improve your instruction by applying findings from current research on the science of memory and learning. The workshop covers foundational concepts on how people acquire information based on research suggesting that creating challenges—or "desirable difficulties"-- for the learner can improve long-term retention. You will work with the instructor to translate these theory-based concepts into practical active learning strategies that can be incorporated into your teaching. These strategies include retrieval practice, interleaving, and spacing among others. The outcomes will reflect individualized and manageable strategies you can incorporate immediately the next time you teach. The curriculum also models the strategies being taught, so that participants experience first-hand the shift from traditional teaching to innovative, and proven teaching methods.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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