Care Planning and Patient Navigation

HLT POL X 407.8

This cumulative course requires students to integrate knowledge from previous courses to develop the critical skills necessary for patient advocates to create roadmaps for patient navigation and care planning.

Starting at $830.00
As few as 11 weeks

What you can learn.

  • Create a simulated patient case study and develop a care plan for patients
  • Discuss patient cases and resources for care planning by participating in patient management meetings
  • Identify community resources, motivational interviewing, and the art of conducting assessments
  • Describe specialized job functions of patient advocates working in a variety of settings: hospitals, private practice, and community-based organizations

About this course:

Care planning and navigation are key skills that all patient advocates will use in their daily work. This culminating course outlines the critical knowledge and skills necessary for advocates to create roadmaps for patient navigation and care planning. Course work provides the opportunity for students to integrate the knowledge and practice some of the skills they have acquired in the prerequisite courses utilizing simulated patient case studies. Topics include importance of documentation, scope of practice, practice specialization, motivational interviewing, the art of conducting assessments, community resources, working through difficult patient situations and formulating a self-care plan. Students create a simulated patient case study in the first week of class and develop a care plan and roadmap for navigation, which is presented during the last week of class. In addition, they participate in a patient management meeting every three weeks with their assigned team members to discuss patient cases and resources for care planning.

Summer 2025 Schedule

Date & Time
This section has no set meeting times.
Future Offering (Opens April 28, 2025 12:00:00 AM)
See Details
Instructor: Adisa Cartwright
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Required course in the Patient Advocacy Certificate.  Restricted course; call (310) 825-7093 for permission to enroll. Web enrollments automatically generate a "Permission to Enroll" request.

Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 29th, 2025. Internet access required.

Refund Deadline
Refunds only available from April 28, 2025 to July 06, 2025
Course Requirements
(Optional) Book: The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right by Atul Gawande

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

This course applies towards the following certificates & specializations…

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