Reimagining Sustainability: The Value of Non-Western Perspectives


The goal of the class is to share non-Western perspectives with students that can then be applied to real life sustainability challenges both individually and collectively. 


What you can learn.

  • Understand our interconnectedness and interdependence with nature and the world around us
  • Examine the inextricable relationship between racism and environmental destruction
  • Study the value of a long-term orientation and cross-generational relationships
  • Gain appreciation for the importance of incorporating a more holistic, non-Western (vs. analytic and Western) perspective on sustainability

About this course:

In this seminar, we will discuss non-Western perspectives on the idea of sustainability and what it means to coexist with and as a part of nature. We will briefly explore the historical relationship between colonialism and Western environmentalism to understand its origins and how it diverges from non-Western perspectives. We will then examine how indigenous and non-Western perspectives and practices can inform and help us rethink the way we approach sustainability. The goal of the class is to share non-Western perspectives with students that can then be applied to real life sustainability challenges both individually and collectively. 

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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