Compliant Mechanism Design


This course is part of the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science (HSSEAS) Master of Science in Engineering Online (MSOL) program.  It is available only to students pre-approved by HSSEAS.  For more information visit


About this course:

MAE C294A. Compliant Mechanism Design. (Prof. Hopkins, J.) Formerly numbered 294A. Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Requisite: linear algebra. Advanced compliant mechanism synthesis approaches, modeling techniques, and optimization tools. Fundamentals of flexible constraint theory, principles of constraint-based design, projective geometry, screw theory kinematics, and freedom and constraint topologies. Applications: precision motion stages, general purpose flexure bearings, microstructural architectures, MEMs, optical mounts, and nanoscale positioning systems. Hands-on exercises include build- your-own flexure kits, CAD and FEA simulations, and term project. Concurrently scheduled with course C162B. Letter grading.

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