Sustainable Energy Management

C&EE X 438.9

This course explores the role of the energy manager in providing a meaningful, financially viable, and sustainable program.


What you can learn.

  • Describe the field of energy management and comprehend its importance in overseeing energy-related aspects in the various companies
  • Identify and apply the key skill set it takes to perform effective energy management
  • Gain the core knowledge base on energy management concepts, theories, and methodologies and apply the processes to develop viable energy control programs with high sustainability measures for different companies

About this course:

The OPEC oil embargo of 1973 was the first real wake-up call about the U.S.'s dependence on imported energy and the consequences of unchecked energy usage. From that experience, many energy-intensive companies quickly saw the value of having a dedicated resource, often an Energy Manager, whose role was to minimize energy costs and ensure energy availability (i.e., make the company's energy usage sustainable). Consequently, the term "sustainability" has long been part of the energy manager's lexicon. Today, it isn't just energy-intensive companies that are interested in energy management. Concerns about climate change, energy security, and utility cost stability have led to a tremendous increase in the role of energy management across all sectors, and it is no longer the domain of just engineers but also business managers, contractors and many others. This course explores the role of energy management in providing a meaningful and financially viable sustainability program. Students who successfully complete the course take away a solid understanding of what energy management entails, key fundamental energy management skills, and an overall level of knowledge enabling them to make meaningful contributions to discussions about energy management in regard to sustainability programs.

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