Written and Sight Translation I: Chinese/English

CHIN X 400.02

This course is designed to teach and build upon fundamental strategies of sight translation, one of the major tools of the interpreter. Students practice orally interpreting into the target language from a wide range of…


What you can learn.

  • Prepare to sight translate two pieces of texts into the target language fluently and with minimal errors and mistakes
  • Develop basic skills of sight translating legal documents or legally related texts within the range of 220 to 280 words in length
  • Learn to think in the target language when giving rendition into a different language
  • Learn to tear away from the pull of the source texts

About this course:

This course is designed to teach and build upon fundamental strategies of sight translation, one of the major tools of the interpreter. Students practice orally interpreting into the target language from a wide range of documents written in Chinese and English that are commonly used in a variety of proceedings. In addition, students create specialized terminology glossaries. Language register (level of formality or informality) is stressed.
Admission to Interpretation and Translation Certificate: Chinese/English.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

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