Consecutive Interpretation II: Chinese/English

CHIN X 401.08

This course, part of the Interpretation and Translation certificate, builds on the skills learned in Chinese X 401.07 Consecutive Interpretation I.


What you can learn.

  • Identify what interpreters are expected to do at each stage of a lawsuit
  • Understand and troubleshoot the many aspects of depositions
  • Prepare to switch from the consecutive interpretation mode to the simultaneous interpretation mode

About this course:

This course is continuation of X 401.07 Consecutive Interpretation I: Chinese/English, a laboratory course that focuses on the essential mode of consecutive interpretation and how interpreters use it at each stage of a law suit. Students learn what interpreters are expected to do at each stage and how to prepare for each task. The course also covers the many aspects of depositions, including what they are, their purpose in the legal process, how they differ from a trial, and the challenges and rewards they present to the interpreter. From many years of experience, the instructor provides tips on how to troubleshoot depositions and instructs students on when to switch from the consecutive mode to the simultaneous mode of interpreting. Instruction includes lectures, demonstration, and extensive student practice.
X 401.07 Consecutive Interpretation I: Chinese/English and admission to Interpretation/Translation Certificate: Chinese/English.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

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