Enterprise Risk Management: Advanced Techniques

MGMT X 408.813

This course advances your knowledge of the tools and techniques of business strategy, strategic risk management, risk assessment, risk transfer and insurance, and market, credit, and supply chain risk management.


What you can learn.

  • Improve your use of quantitative and qualitative risk analysis techniques
  • Analyze a firm’s business strategy, value chain, and competitive advantage
  • Describe the steps in integrating strategic risk management into a firm’s strategy architecture
  • Apply the tools of Scenario Planning, War Gaming, and Risk Ownership Maps to emerging risks

About this course:

Enterprise Risk Management: Advanced Techniques builds on the previous ERM certificate courses to further student’s knowledge of topics in business strategy (including principles of competitive strategy and competitive analysis, resource and value chain analysis); strategic risk management (including tools to link strategy and risk, integrating risk management into the organization’s strategy architecture, scenario planning, war gaming and risk ownership maps); risk assessment techniques (including the selection and use of various techniques during the risk management process, probability, and other quantitative risk assessment techniques); risk transfer (including insurance, reinsurance, loss control, alternative risk transfer techniques such as catastrophe insurance and captives, and actuarial science); an introduction to market, credit, and supply chain risk management; applied decision science; executive and board reporting; and the risk management job market. Students learn through readings, class discussion, case studies, and a class project that reinforces key learning objectives.
MGMT X 408.809 Foundations of Enterprise Risk Management, MGMT X 408.810 Designing and Implementing an ERM Program or consent of instructor.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

This course applies towards the following certificates & specializations…

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