Feast or Famine . . . Capital Raising for Restaurants During a Pandemic

MGMT 795.16A

Join our panel of restaurant executives and industry experts as they discuss one of the hottest topics affecting the restaurant industry today.


Why you should attend.

  • Hear discussions on the current state of the industry and future outlook
  • Learn what business metrics one should use in the new omnichannel environment
  • Discuss and analyze what's driving revenue, the shift in prime cost, and other opportunities for generating revenue and cost control
  • Learn how to manage your vendor payables, landlords, and lenders
  • Examine how new mandates will affect your employees

About this course:

As the restaurant industry starts to recover from the effects of COVID-19, many businesses are actively searching for new sources of capital.  Some companies are looking to accelerate growth while some are just hoping to survive.  This panel will cover various capital raising alternatives including: private/public equity, debt and even SPACs.  Join our investment banking experts from Piper Sandler and Morgan Stanley for an in-depth discussion on the sources of capital available today for the restaurant industry.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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