Understand the definition and conduct of a partnership including transactions between partners, operational risks, actions associated with the death of a partner, and termination of a partnership
Learn about setting up family or limited partnerships
About this course:
This course covers tax and legal aspects of forming, operating and dissolving partnerships. Topics include the definition and conduct of a partnership; property, services, basis and holding periods; interest and liabilities; operational and at-risk rules; allocation of distributive shares; transactions between partners; disposition of interest and property; distributions involving 751 assets; termination and 736 payments; death of partner; and setting up family and limited partnerships as an association for tax purposes.
MGMT X 127 Federal Income Taxation or equivalent experience and consent of instructor.
Enrollment limited. Internet access required. Materials required.
Refund Deadline
No refunds after April 04, 2025
Course Requirements
Course syllabus not yet available.
South-Western Federal Taxation
by James C. Young, Mark Persellin, Annette Nellen, David M. Maloney, Andrew D. Cuccia, Sharon Lassar, Brad Cripe
Contact Us
Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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