Advanced Security Analysis

MGMT X 433.03

Students are introduced to several useful concepts that many hedge funds employ today. Instruction includes an overview of the "boom-to-bust cycle" from a historical perspective and how it can affect investment strategy.


What you can learn.

  • Use advanced techniques of analysis and case studies to seek profitable opportunities in securities
  • Analyze companies, securities, and investment managers
  • Gain further insight to portfolio management, risk control, and how to use those skills to increase performance of portfolios

About this course:

This rigorous and exciting course builds upon the foundation laid in MGMT X 433.02 Security Analysis using advanced techniques of analysis to seek profitable opportunities in securities. Students are introduced to several useful concepts that many hedge funds employ today. Instruction also includes an overview of the "boom-to-bust cycle" from a historical perspective and how it can affect investment strategy. Using case study analysis of companies, securities, and investment managers, participants gain further insight to portfolio management, risk control, and how to use those skills to increase performance of their portfolios.
X 433.02 Security Analysis or two years of experience in investing in securities and the ability to use a financial calculator (HP 12C preferred).

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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