Financial Management Basics

MGMT 833.854

This course covers how to create a savings plan based on your goals and needs and ways to monitor your spending and manage your finances.


What you can learn.

  • Learn different methods for monitoring spending and expenses
  • Understand how to create a savings plan to meet various goals and needs
  • Know when to invest and how to create an investment portfolio
  • Manage your credit and establish a plan to pay off debt

About this course:

This course will help you learn ways to monitor your spending and manage your finances. Topics covered include standard expense rations, cash flow and balance sheet information, how to create a savings plan and how to plan for different types of goals and needs. You will also learn how those different goals and needs change how you save and where you keep the money. We will also discuss credit and debit management and how to pay down/pay off debit or establish credit. Finally, we will talk about when to invest and how to approach investing.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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