Conducting a Credit Analysis II

MGMT X 430.613

This course teaches students how to assess and explain the risks in a borrower’s financial statements, projections, and business practices.


What you can learn.

  • Learn to analyze aggressive and/or deceptive accounting principles, such as purchase accounting, unfunded pension liabilities, securitized receivables, deferred taxes, and channel stuffing
  • Explore industry risk, including aggressive and/or deceptive practices used by manufacturers, retailers, importers/exporters, real estate developers, utilities, transportation companies, and wholesalers
  • Examine financial projections, including aggressive assumptions, break-even analysis, and debt service coverage

About this course:

Learn to look beyond financial statements to evaluate and explain the risk in a borrower's accounting statements, financial projections, and business practices. Additionally, learn how to dissect a Business Plan: (1) review the components of a complete plan; (2) read, research, fact-check, and evaluate the plan; and (3) communicate the SWOT of the business plan with appropriate conclusions.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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