Conducting a Credit Analysis I

MGMT X 430.612

This course prepares you for your first day of work analyzing a business's creditworthiness in a real-world environment. 


What you can learn.

  • Learn where to start, critical factors to review, and how to prepare an analysis, evaluating and explaining a customer’s ability to pay obligations as agreed
  • Understand how to assess the quality of unsecured and secured accounts receivables, as well as revolving credit, asset-based, and term loans
  • Focus on a company’s cash conversion cycle and each component of the financial statement

About this course:

Class material applies to both trade creditors and lenders. Learn where to start, what to look at, what to do, and what you need when working in the credit analysis field. Topics included, learning how to evaluate and explain credit decisions based on the financial condition of the applicant and other non-financial considerations, within the context of a creditor’s financial and marketing objectives and competing priorities. Throughout the class, students will prepare a comprehensive credit analysis of a target company for peer review. 

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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