TV Pilot Rewriting with a TV Lit Manager

SCRIPT X 463.11E

Learn to rewrite your pilot from the industry insider perspective of a TV Literary Manager.


What you can learn.

  • Review current TV trends, network brands, and their needs
  • Tap into how to get representation in Hollywood and manage your relationships with these career assets
  • Let guest speakers demystify the ins and outs of working in the industry
  • Get insight into how to further develop your current TV script to demonstrate your professional skills

About this course:

You’ve completed a draft of your drama or comedy pilot script, but there is still room for improvement and you need help in the rewriting process. You want to rewrite your pilot from an informed industry perspective so that your script can go the distance in the entertainment marketplace. If these statements ring true, then this course can help you rewrite a pilot from an insider’s point-of-view. You learn current TV trends, network and streamer brands and their specific needs, and get information about the kinds of pilots executives and showrunners want to read today. In addition, you explore how to get representation in Hollywood and how to manage your relationships with representatives to get them working for you. Invited guest speakers from the TV industry help to demystify the business and give you the tools to prepare for a successful career in television. The goal of the course is to take your previously written one-hour or half-hour pilot script, determine where and how you can make story and character adjustments for improvement, and rewrite the script to produce a second draft that shines. You must have a completed pilot draft ready before the first class meeting.
SCRIPT X 422.4 One-Hour TV IV, SCRIPT X 422.4N One-Hour TV Intensive IV, SCRIPT X 422.2 Half-Hour TV IV, SCRIPT X 422.2N Half-Hour TV Intensive IV, or SCRIPT X 422.8 Dramedy TV IV, SCRIPT X 422.9 - Half-Hour TV V: Rewrite, SCRIPT X 422.10 - One-Hour TV V: Rewrite, SCRIPT X 422.11 One-Hour or Half-Hour TV V: Rewrite, or department approval.

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Speak to a student advisor. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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